The cherry tomato has had tomatoes for what seems like a really long time. But instead of ripening (except for one weirdo outlier) the ones it had, it just kept making more. But we’re hanging at the top of the roller coaster now, and pretty soon I’ll have more than I ever wanted.

No Blush

The slicers are doing some of the same thing, though not with quite the same degree of prolificness. Prolificity? Whatever. There are several big clusters of good-sized tomatoes, but nobody is blushing yet. If I could remember what I ended up with (a Rutgers variety, I think) I would know how much bigger to expect them to get, but when I gave away the other three out of the four-pack I left the tag in it. Cherry’s a super-sweet, the sad little paste is a San Marzano, the slicer is… a surprise, I guess.